Degrees of Disability
This level of disability indicates that the person has no disability or a disability so mild that it does not affect their ability to lead a normal life. Examples of such disabilities would be short-sighted people wearing glasses, or a person with mild allergies.
Mild disability classification covers those who can perform basic life management functions and use the normal ways of transportation and communication. They do not require assistive equipment for their daily functions and the condition can be managed by medication. Such disabilities include learning disabilities and hearing and sight impaired people.
A moderate disability is a condition that is stable and not progressive. It will not get worse. The person can perform the basic life management techniques with some assistance. The person might require home modifications, transport aids and communication aids. Disabilities that might fall into this category include mild cerebral palsy, paraplegia, spina bifida, fully sight/ hearing impaired, higher learning disabilities and mental retardation.
A severe disability is a condition when the person needs assistance with or having functions performed for them. Progressive, degenerative and terminal conditions fall into this category. The person will need significant home adaptions and medical care. Special adaptations for transport and communication might be required. Such conditions include quadraplegia/tetraplegia and cystic fibrosis, although it is a case by case basis how much the person can do for herself.