What Is the Most Comfortable Support Hose?
The type of support hose affects comfort level. Doctors recommend support knee-high, thigh-high or waist-high hose. When patients choose the recommended length, they receive the most relief. Patients choose between nylon or cotton, according to what is the most comfortable for their legs.
"Millimeters compression mercury" (mmHg) is the amount of compression that the support hose provide at the ankle and up the leg. More compression at the ankle, with gradually less compression upward promotes better circulation. Doctors recommend the correct compression level for each patient's comfort.
Fit impacts hose comfort. If patients order hose from a pharmacy, a pharmacist measures their legs to determine an exact fit. If patients order support hose online through commercial websites, they will follow a guide to measure parts of their legs. Measurements include the largest part of the calf, smallest part of the ankle and largest part of the thigh. These, together with height and weight, guide support hose wearers to the correct size and most comfort.
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