How to Get Rid of Spider Veins Using Yoga
Spider veins are similar to varicose veins in that they are blood vessels close to the surface of the skin that become visible and resemble a spiderweb pattern typically in the legs. While they are not believed to pose any health hazard, they can be unattractive to look at and can result in self-esteem problems. Yoga is frequently an effective treatment for varicose veins since it can improve overall circulation and counteract some of the underlying causes of the veins' visibility.Instructions
Lie on your back near a wall with your feet towards the wall.
Lift your legs straight up in the air and scoot your butt forward until the wall is up against your tailbone.
Prop your heels against the wall and keep your legs straight. This is a common pose for beginners of yoga and it relieves stress on the veins in the legs by draining the blood from them temporarily.
Hold the pose for 10 minutes while slowly flexing your calf muscles by moving your feet. Breathe deeply in and out.
Repeat this exercise twice a day, every day to help reduce and eliminate the spider veins.