Remedies for Gas Troubles
Avoid Excess Air Consumption
Some people swallow air compulsively. Others swallow excess air by using straws, cans or bottles; eating soufflé, whipped cream, ice cream and omelets; chewing gum or drinking carbonated beverages. To curb belching, avoid the foods and products known to cause excess air consumption. Chew your food thoroughly, with your mouth closed, before swallowing and learn to control your swallowing reflexes when you aren't eating or drinking.
Avoid Foods that Cause Gas
Foods that produce upper digestive system gas, such as salad oil, margarine and sour cream, are linked to chronic belching. Dairy products, beans, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, onions, cauliflower, whole wheat flower, radishes, bananas, apricots and pretzels are known to cause flatulence. If you notice a problem after eating these foods, try a smaller portion next time.
Take a Supplement
If you don't want to give up your favorite foods, try a supplement to eliminate excess gas. Charcoal tablets, which absorb gas, are helpful in preventing flatulence. Over-the-counter pills that contain simethicone relieve gas by preventing gas pockets in the stomach and intestines.