How to Treat DMD
Visit your doctor and ask about treatment options. Treatments will vary based on the patient's individual needs, the stage and the rate of progression.
Follow a strict nutritional regimen. Because swallowing can be difficult, DMD patients have a tendency to be underweight. Add a multivitamin and extra vitamin D as directed by your doctor.
Start attending physical therapy if necessary. A physical therapist will assist the patient in stretching the hips, ankles and other joint muscles. The therapist can also provide the patient with additional exercises to do at home.
Try some simple at-home exercises. While simple aerobics exercises can benefit a patient in the early stages of DMD, no activity should be strenuous or forced. A Quest magazine article suggests that low-intensity strength training and swimming can help people suffering from DMD.
Talk to a surgeon who has experience with DMD patients and ask about surgical treatment options. When muscles contract into painful positions, surgeons can release the tendons and provide relief to the patient. They can also work to correct a curvature of the spine.
Get a prescription for treatment drugs. As stated on the Mayo Clinic website, myotonia can be used to treat muscle spasms and weakness. Prednisone and other corticosteroids can slow the progression DMD.
Ask about breathing assistance. For patients in later stages of DMD, breathing can become difficult and labored. A physician can recommend an overnight ventilation system.