How to Manipulate the HGH

HGH or Human Growth Hormone is produced in the pituitary gland which is lodged in the bottom of the brain below the hypothalamus which regulates and stimulates the amount of hormones produced. HGH is used in building new muscle tissue, helps promote more restful sleep and builds bone strength. HGH can be manipulated to help you in body-building if used correctly and in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regimen.


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      Try to get your exercise workout so that it is as strenuous as possible and lasts for about an hour doing a minimum of 25 repetitions for each exercise. Beyond this does not seem to have any positive effect.

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      Institute a regular sleep pattern in your life. Go to bed at the same time or as close to the same time as possible and try to sleep for 8 hours. You can do this by not napping during the day, staying out of the bed except for sleeping, and exercising in the morning instead of late in the day.

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      Keep your bedroom cool and dark. Keep a window open, even if just a couple of inches, for as much of the year as possible. Eliminate caffeine and drink any liquor moderately and well before bedtime.

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      Add glutamine, Vitamin C, antioxidants, liver and whole grains to your diet. These foods utilize the HGH in your system effectively.

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      Go to the store where you buy your nutritional supplements and buy GH in either sublingual or nasal spray form. Follow the directions on the container exactly because this is a case where more is not better.

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