How to Recover Exhaust Heat
Clean out and monitor the exhaust system. Before any preparation for recovering, the exhaust system should be investigated if there have been any build-ups of waste over the years.
Plan the extent you want your plant or company to utilize exhaust heat energy. Some technological innovations have allowed buildings to utilize heat to process more energy output, while other innovations help with some utilities.
Attach exhaust vents to heating systems. This is one popular form of recovering heat where heat is trapped from energy production and used for other utilities such as hot water heating. This step is the simplest way to cut heating costs and utilize exhaust heat effectively.
Incorporate the exhaust system into a steam turbine system. Since many electrical plants utilize steam to turn turbines, some technological innovations have shown that you can utilize the exhaust heat to steam water at high temperatures. This, effectively, can produce electrical energy without utilizing more goods, such as coal, to heat an electrical system.
Manage the exhaust heat toward an air cooling or refrigeration system. This step helps save on future energy costs as well by using the heat to power engines needed for refrigeration systems or air conditioning systems. Many of these systems utilize the steam created by trapped exhaust heat and condenses it to cooler water temperatures.