Homemade Sitz Bath
Things You'll Need
- Kosher or epsom salt
- Water
- Bathtub
- Table vinegar
- Cleaning wipes
- Towel
- Colloidal oatmeal
- Blow dryer
Use only enough water in your sitz bath to cover the area below your hips. Ensure that your bathtub is cleaned before your sitz bath. Use cleaning wipes to sterilize your bathtub. Fill your bathtub to cover your hips and buttocks. Water should be warm, but not too hot to tolerate.
Use kosher or Epsom salt in your bath. Add salt to the water until the water tastes salty. You can use kosher salt or epsom salt for your bath. Epsom salt may offer more relief for pain symptoms.
Use colloidal oatmeal if you suffer from itching, as noted by Vantage Oncology. The oatmeal reduces your need to scratch by soothing your discomfort.
Soak only the affected area. Sit in the bath with your knees bent. If possible, stretch your legs out to the side of your bathtub. Soak in the tub for up to 20 minutes, four times a day.