How to Find Used Wheelchairs
The market for adaptive equipment is ever growing as people look for more aids to help mobility. Wheelchairs are one of the oldest types of mobility aid, helping people unable to walk or perform demanding tasks. The range of wheelchairs available is extensive both in price and usability, with some chairs costing several thousand dollars. For this reason it can be more cost-effective to buy a used wheelchair. Finding a used wheelchair can be easily accomplished through online sources.Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet access
Decide on the model and type of chair you are looking for, whether it be electrical, manual, rigid-frame, folding, or lightweight. Pay attention to your budget and the environment in which the chair will be used. The size of the user is also a consideration, as many wheelchairs come in customized sizes specific for the initial user. If possible use the seat size of the wheelchair user's current chair as a guide.
Open your Internet browser. Navigate to a search engine. Enter the search term "buy used wheelchairs." Click on the search button to display the results.
Open a number of the results in separate browser tabs for comparison. Navigate around the sites, looking for the type of chair that matches your specifications and budget.
Click on links to purchase (or bid for if it is an online auction) your selected wheelchair. Follow the directions given to pay for and receive your used wheelchair.