How to Measure Blood Oxygen With Fingertip Devices

Devices such as finger-pulse oximeters measure the oxygen-saturation level in your blood. Conditions such as hypoxemia can cause low blood oxygen. Finger monitors are small devices that clamp onto your finger. The monitors stream two wavelengths that pass through the blood vessels in your finger. These wavelengths report your blood's oxygen-saturation level. Oximeter readings should be 95 percent or higher. Readings of less than 90 percent indicate low oxygen.

Things You'll Need

  • Finger-pulse oximeter
  • Alcohol pads
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    • 1

      Ask your doctor what type of oximeter to purchase. Some monitors are equipped with alarms that alert you when it's time to check your blood-saturation level.

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      Wash your hands prior to testing. Rub your hands together to warm them. Cold hands create a weak pulse, which will distort your readings.

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      Place the oximeter on a finger. Ensure that the monitor fits comfortably over your nail bed.

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      Turn on the oximeter. Wait for the monitor to display your results. Wipe the device with an alcohol pad after every use.

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