Easy Kegel Exercises
Urine Stream Exercise
Performing Kegel exercises can be done by stopping your urine mid-stream. While urinating, focus your attention on stopping your urine by tightening your pelvic muscles. Hold for a count of five and resume urinating. Perform this exercise several times a day and increase your hold time as tolerated. Be certain to empty your bladder completely when performing this exercise, to avoid urinary tract infections or complications. Kegel exercises are most effective when performed three to four times each day.
Pelvic Floor Exercise
Empty your bladder completely before beginning the pelvic floor exercise. Lying down or sitting in a chair is the best position for this move. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and hold for a count of 10. Release and relax your pelvic floor muscles for a count of 10. Perform 10 repetitions of this exercise, three times each day. Spread out your exercise times so that you complete 10 repetitions in the morning, 10 in the mid-afternoon and 10 in the evening. Most people notice an improvement in symptoms within 4 to 6 weeks, although it can take as long as three months to see change for the better, states Medline Plus.com.
Vaginal Cone Exercises
Vaginal cones are an effective way to increase pelvic floor strength. These cones usually come in a set, in varying weights and sizes. Use the lighter weight cones when first starting out and increase the weight as you become stronger. Select the appropriate cone and insert it into the vagina. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles to hold the cone in place and hold for a count of 10. Release and relax for a count of 10. Resume exercising until you have completed 10 repetitions. Perform 10 repetitions in the morning, afternoon and evening for 30 repetitions each day.