How Long Will a Hemorroid Hurt?
Internal Versus External
Internal hemorrhoids involving veins inside the rectum rarely hurt or cause other discomfort, but they may bleed. A painful hemorrhoid is usually external, involving the veins outside the anus. If an external hemorrhoid gets cut off from the blood supply, it may become very painful and require the attention of a doctor.
Soaking in a shallow bath several times a day for a few minutes can help alleviate symptoms. Over-the-counter topical treatments can shrink a hemorrhoid. Since hemorrhoids are often caused by straining during elimination, stool softeners are sometimes recommended.
Aggressively treating symptoms should relieve pain in a few days, but it may take two to four weeks of treatment for a hemorrhoid to shrink. If you do not feel relief from home treatments in that time, see a doctor.
Hemorrhoids often recur, but can be prevented by reducing pressure on the veins in the anus and rectum. If you need to sit for a long time, take a break every hour to stand or walk around for five minutes. Do not strain or read while sitting on the toilet. A bowel movement should take no more than three to five minutes. Drink plenty of water and include fiber in your diet such as fresh fruits, leafy vegetables and whole grains.