How to Eliminate Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia is a condition in which males have an abnormally large amount of breast tissue, often brought on as a result of hormonal changes during puberty. Gynecomastia also can have other causes, such as genetic disorders or obesity. Known colloquially as "man boobs," gynecomastia can be embarrassing, and treatment is often sought urgently. Although plastic surgery is an option, there are a number of things you can try to eliminate gynecomastia before going under the knife.Instructions
Start by losing weight. Obesity is a great contributor to gynecomastia, and shedding a few pounds works wonders in reducing the amount of fat on your chest. Ask a dietitian to work out an eating program you can stick to, and get plenty of exercise.
Speak to your doctor about any medication you are on, as certain medications sometimes cause gynecomastia. Substituting alternate treatments often reduces the problem.
Take medicines that will rectify any hormone imbalance in your system, as imbalances can contribute to gynecomastia. Consult your doctor, who will prescribe the medication.
Have plastic surgery if all other options fail. This is a major operation, and the decision to eliminate gynecomastia through surgery should not be taken lightly. The operation involves liposuction to remove fat that has collected on the breast, or a mammaplasty in which breast tissue is removed.