How to Manage Varicocele Pain
Things You'll Need
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Athletic supporter or snug underwear
- Ice packs
Treating Varicoceles
Lie down with your feet elevated. This will reduce some of the blood flow to the enlarged veins, which will help pain.
Take an anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen, to reduce some of the swelling and relieve discomfort.
Wear snug-fitting underwear, such as briefs, or an athletic supporter to support the scrotum.
Place an ice pack on the sore area for a few minutes to reduce swelling.
Have outpatient surgery to reduce blood flow to the vein. Performed by an urologist under general anesthesia, a varicocelectomy is a procedure in which the enlarged vein is ligated, or tied off, and blood flow redirected to normal veins.
Consider a non-surgical embolization of the varicocele. In this procedure, a small plastic tube containing coils is inserted through a small incision in the groin, and then, guided by X-Ray, the coils are placed in the varicocele to block the blood flow. This outpatient procedure is performed under light sedation, and can help reduce the pain and pressure.