What Is Solid Phase Extraction?
Solid phase extraction uses an extraction tube often made of stainless steel or inert polymer and an appropriate, bonded phase material chosen based on the particulate matter to be separated. Displacement fluid, a vacuum manifold and gauge, and a stopcock can be used in the process.
The extraction tube is packed with the base phase material, then filled with the liquid to be filtered. The tube is fitted with a stopcock which controls the flow and is set into a tray above the vacuum manifold. The vacuum process draws the liquid through the base phase material and collects the discard liquid. The solid material collects on top of the base phase material and remains in the tube. Once the original liquid has passed through the base phase material, the extracted solid matter is flushed off the base phase material with displacement fluid and processed for further study.
If the appropriate base phase material and extraction tube material are used the solid phase extraction process is very effective, up to a 99 percent collection rate. A material can be processed more than once for greater clarity and increased collection rate of solid matter.