How to Raise Hemoglobin Count
Get a blood workup from your doctor if you have been feeling tired or run down for any longer than two weeks. Tell him you have been inexplicably tired and ask him to check your blood count.
Add foods to your diet that are high in iron. This includes liver, green vegetables, such as spinach and lettuce, and eggs and dairy products.
Concentrate on foods high in vitamin B12. This includes most red meats, dried fruits, tomatoes, almonds, soybeans and raisins. These foods have a large quantity of B12, which the body needs to aid in the transport of oxygen through the body.
Get at least six full hours of sleep each night and keep your waking and sleeping times regular. This will help your body get into a repairing routine and your blood will rest and get the extra oxygen it needs to circulate correctly.
Remain hydrated even in cool weather when you will not be as thirsty as you are in the summer or hot months. Keep a 2 or 3 cup bottle of water or herbal teas with you at all times and make a conscious effort to finish a minimum of two of these bottles a day.
Add one teaspoon of juiced coriander mixed with a teaspoon of honey to add to salads or use as a marinade and sauce for meat or chicken.
Soak black sesame seeds in warm water. Allow it sit for about a half hour. Crush them and press through a sieve or strainer. Mix 1 cup of milk with either jaggery or maple syrup and add the product of the strained black sesame seeds to this solution. Drink this daily for a minimum of two weeks.
Soak seven almonds overnight in warm water. Grind them into a paste in the morning and use this as a covering for toast or crackers. Add a little honey for sweetness.
Add vitamin C to help the body absorb iron and the vitamin B family. Vitamin C is in all citrus fruits, red and green bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, and juices made from citrus and guava