Castor Oil for Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is an unpleasant condition that usually affects toenails and can become quite serious if left untreated. At first the only sign will be a small white or yellow spot at the tip of the nail, but as the fungus spreads, the entire nail can thicken, change color and begin to crumble. Although it is best to see a doctor about this condition, castor oil can be used while you wait for an appointment.


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      Soak an unbleached cotton cloth in castor oil before you go to bed at night.

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      Use a cotton ball or piece of cloth and dab at your nail with more castor oil while the other cloth is soaking.

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      Wrap the soaked cotton cloth around the affected foot and use a gauze bandage to hold it in place. Leave this cotton cloth in place while you sleep.

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      Remove the bandage in the morning and thoroughly wash your foot. Once it is dry, apply another thin layer of castor oil.

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      Apply further swabs of castor oil two or three times throughout the day if possible to ensure as much of the fungus is eliminated as possible.

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      Repeat this process until you notice an improvement, usually with the growth of new nail.

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