How to Test a Fluke
Think carefully about your travel experience. Fluke infections are rare in the U.S., but if you've recently traveled to developing nations such as Thailand or elsewhere in Southeast Asia, you're intestinal discomfort may be caused by a fluke. You should also consider whether you've eaten raw meat, fish or plants.
Diagnose the symptoms of fluke infections. Rashes, fevers, coughs, diarrhea, and wheezing are all common symptoms that a fluke is living in your intestine. Unfortunately, there are no symptoms that are unique to fluke infections.
Wait a few days to see if the problem abates. If so, you're infection was likely the cause of a flu, cold or another temporary condition. If the problem persists, visit your local doctor.
Get a chest X-ray. One of the easiest ways to diagnose a fluke infection is through a simple X-ray. The technician will tell your physician whether you have an infection.
Have a blood test. Another way for your doctor to test you for flukes is to submit a blood sample. This method can also differentiate between a past infection and a current one, which other tests may not be able to do.