Emotional Reasons a Person Will Not Cure Skin Fungus
Psoriasis and Eczema
In-patient treatment of psoriasis and eczema, common skin fungus problems, can be quicker than home treatment. Avoiding stressful situations why undergoing skin treatments can help hasten recovery, according to Audrey Kunin, a dermatologist from Kansas City, Mo. Psoriasis and eczema are especially sensitive to high levels of stress. According to Kunin, the disorder flares up to 60 percent more because of emotional stress. When the disorder is active, medications combined with mental relaxation decrease the discomfort and facilitate the healing process.
Hives are a type of skin fungus that show up in red, bump-like, itchy spots appearing in a ring-like formation on any part of the body. They may be caused by an allergic reaction to drugs and foods. Infections may also increase the problem due to the release of histamine in the body. Chronic stress can cause hives; stress affects the immune system and the hormonal balance of the body. So, it is necessary to take some time off from your daily routine especially if the hives persist for a longer period of time.
Yeast Infection
A yeast infection is a fungus that is a result of the body's weakened immune system. The body can no longer fight back the fungus responsible for the infection because of long-term stress. Women are at greater risk because of the following common stresses that lower the immune system: menstruation and menopause; work and family responsibilities; certain illnesses; and other reasons. All of these stresses require the body to fight for the good cells in the body and sometimes there is just not enough to keep an infection at bay. Stress must be kept to a minimum level to aid in the healing process.
Alopecia is a female pattern baldness different from the common baldness in men. It is caused by genes, aging and emotional stress. A stressful lifestyle is usually evident in the hair. Fungal infections can be seen at the hair shaft which causes hair loss in the long run if not treated early. Stress causes hair follicles to change rapidly from the growing stage (anagen) to fallout stage (telogen). Months later, hair shedding begins and will continue even if the stress has stopped.