How to Treat Pitted Fingernails

Pitted fingernails are often a completely harmless cosmetic nail abnormality caused by injury or genetics. These minor nail imperfections may disappear on their own without treatment. Small indentations on the surface of nails -- sometimes accompanied by yellowish discoloration and crumbling of the nail plate -- are common in people with a skin condition known as psoriasis. If your doctor diagnoses nail psoriasis, you can improve the appearance of your nails and prevent the condition from worsening.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand cream or nail moisturizer
  • Clear nail polish or nail hardener polish
  • Prescription vitamin D analogue cream
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      Discuss your fingernail concerns with your doctor. Your doctor will be able to make an informed diagnosis based on an examination of your nails.

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      Keep nails well-groomed to avoid injury. Trim nails regularly to prevent snagging or tearing, which can worsen nail psoriasis.

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      Moisturize your nails regularly. Soften and hydrate nails by soaking them in water before massaging the nails with regular hand cream or a nail moisturizer product.

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      Apply a clear nail polish or a nail hardening product to strengthen and protect pitted nails.

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      Massage nails with a prescription vitamin D analogue cream for about five minutes twice a day. Vitamin D analogues are effective at treating some types of psoriatic nail dystrophy, according to a 2009 report in the journal, "Drugs."

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      Disguise pitting caused by psoriasis by applying acrylic tips to your nails until the condition improves.

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