What Causes Charley Horses in the Calves?
Charley horses are caused by dehydration, circulatory problems, not stretching properly prior to exercise, pregnancy, electrolyte deficiency and overexertion of muscles during exercise. Other causes include exercising in hot weather, muscle fatigue and malfunctioning nerves. When charlie horses do occur, the muscle may just twitch or cause excruciating pain. The affected muscle feels harder to the touch and is typically resolved within a few seconds to minutes.
Electrolyte Imbalances
A deficiency in any of the electrolytes can lead to muscle cramping. The electrolytes affected are sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and phosphate. Potassium, for example, is a vital element the body needs to regulate the heartbeat and blood pressure. A potassium deficiency can also cause a multitude of other medical problems, such as heart disease, stroke, arthritis and digestive disorders. It is recommended to eat a diet rich in potassium to avoid such medical issues. Such foods include bananas, avocados, citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables.
Circulatory Problems
Poor circulation in the extremities, especially the legs, can cause a medical condition called intermittent claudication. Intermittent claudication is the pain, numbness or burning sensation a person feels in the legs while walking or exercising. The pain occurs in the lower limbs, including feet, calves and thighs. Because of the poor circulation, a person's muscles cannot receive enough oxygen. The blocked or restricted arteries can also cause a host of other issues, including artherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
Not properly stretching prior to exercise and overexertion during exercise can stimulate a Charlie horse. In any type of exercise, you should always warm up and stretch your muscles prior to working out. Should a muscle cramp occur while you exercise, stop the activity and hold the muscle in a stretched position until the cramp subsides. Stay properly hydrated before, during and after exercise to prevent dehydration. This means drinking six to eight glasses of water every day, in addition to consuming sports drinks after exercise to replenish the lost electrolytes.