Importance of Water to Human Beings
Daily Intake of Water
Several approaches can help you determine whether you're taking in enough water daily. A common approach is the "8x8" rule that recommends drinking one 8-ounce glass of water eight times a day. Human beings lose water through urination, breathing and sweating. Drinking water on a daily basis helps replace lost fluids and can avert dehydration. Frequently feeling thirsty or dark yellowish urine can follow low-fluid intake.
Increased Energy Level
Dehydration is a common complication associated with low water or fluid intake. When dehydration occurs, the body's cells can't function properly. This in turn can trigger physical and mental fatigue. The inability to think clearly due to dehydration can have an affect on work performance or productivity. Keeping the body hydrated with water contributes to healthy cells and a higher energy level.
Weight Benefits
Regular consumption of water can help manage your weight. Drinking water prior to enjoying a meal can help curb your appetite, wherein you're likely to take in fewer calories, says In addition to a decrease in appetite, drinking water helps shed your body of stored water and reduces fluid retention. Water weight can add several pounds to your body weight, and this often results from a high-sodium diet or low fluid intake.
Digestive Health
Frequent water intake can directly affect bowel activity and overall digestive health. Drinking water not only hydrates the cells in the body, water also keeps the intestines hydrated, and this helps soften stools and averts digestive problems such as constipation. Signs of constipation include passing hard stools or the inability to pass stools. Constipation due to low-fluid intake can trigger other issues such as abdominal bloating, flatulence and abdominal pain.