GNC Muscle Milk Side Effects
Weight Gain
According to GNC, each Muscle Milk shake has approximately 330 calories. Since the shakes are small, if you use them as snacks or drinks for after workouts, you may actually be taking in more calories than you should, which can lead to weight gain.
Vitamin Toxicity
The makers of Muscle Milk state that each shake has 1,100 IU of vitamin A and 88 IU of vitamin D. While both of these vitamins are generally healthy, they are fat soluble so your body cannot excrete any excess intake. The upper level (UL) is the maximum tolerable amount of a vitamin which a person can ingest before on the onset of toxicity. The upper level varies depending upon each individual's height, weight, sex and metabolism. It is possible for a person to exceed their upper level intake of vitamins if they drink too many Muscle Milk shakes in one day. This could cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting and headaches.
Intestinal Gas
The first ingredient in Muscle Milk is crystalline fructose. According to Dr. Gabe Mirkin, who is board-certified in four specialties including sports medicine and author of "The Healthy Heart Miracle," crystalline fructose may cause bloating and intestinal gas in many people.
Crystalline fructose, which makes up the majority of Muscle Milk, may also cause diarrhea in some people. This is especially true of people who already have irritable bowel syndrome.
Stomach Cramping
Mirkin also states that products with high amounts of the sugar fructose, which makes up the main part of Muscle Milk, can cause stomach cramping. Therefore, Muscle Milk may cause stomach pains.