GNC Colon Cleanser Ratings
GNC Colon Cleanser Ratings
If you search the site for GNC colon cleanser you will find that they offer a GNC Preventive Nutrition Complete Body Cleansing Program and a GNC Preventive Nutrition Body Colon Care Formula. Both cost around $30. While the GNC Preventative Nutrition Complete Body Cleansing Program has two fairly unfavorable ratings (leaving it with total points of two out of five), the GNC Preventative Nutrition Colon Care Formula has one very favorable rating which puts it with a five star rating. If you look a little further, you will find that they also offer a GNC Preventive Nutritional Triple Cleanse that holds a rating of five stars determined by one happy customer. They also offer a Colon Care that rates with five stars and a GNC Preventive Nutrition Cleansing Formula whcih has no rating. All are used to help aid and cleanse the colon. If you look a little further beyond the GNC site, you will find that other consumers have rated GNC Colon Cleansing product favorably. On the GNC Colon Cleanse has a rating of five starts.
GNC Packaging
Consumers can get a good idea of the product standards right from the label. On the GNC product package it will state that it conforms to U.S.P. (U.S. Pharmacopoeia) and gives the method for analysis.