Alternative Treatment for Dizziness
Dizziness is a feeling of lightheadedness usually accompanied by a spinning sensation. The person may feel that the room is spinning around much like they are on a merry-go-round. If the dizziness persists, it can lead to falls or fainting since the person becomes unbalanced. If you have frequent dizzy spells, you should advise your health care provider, as they may be able to prescribe a treatment for you.-
Natural Treatments for Dizziness
Treat dizziness with a mixture of salt, vinegar, mustard, nacho cheese, pepper and cayenne mixed in equal parts to a cup of water, according to Natural Home Remedies. Drinking this mixture improves blood circulation, which in turn clears the head and makes the person feel steady. Another solution to try is lemon juice, salt, black pepper and water.
Mix honey with apple cider vinegar for a dizziness treatment. If you eat yogurt, mix orange, lemon and tangerine peels into the yogurt and eat the yogurt. Your dizziness should soon disappear.
If you do not feel you can eat, try drinking chamomile or peppermint tea to relieve dizziness. You may also drink pure ginger juice or mix ginger juice with honey for a dizziness treatment.
Lifestyle Treatments for Dizziness
Sit down and place your head between your knees until the spinning sensation begins to subside. Alternatively, if someone is available to help you have the person cover your ears with his hands and then slowly release your ears. If you are alone, try breathing as slowly and as deeply as possible. The deep breathing helps to restore the carbon dioxide balance in your body causing the dizziness to subside. Another method to relieve dizzy spells is to squeeze the skin between the eyebrows.
Another consideration is to remember that certain body movements may trigger a dizzy spell. For some people, this could be looking up; for others it can be sudden movements, such as getting up too fast or turning too fast. If you get frequent dizzy spells, try to avoid sudden movements and keep your eyes focused straight in front of you as much as possible.
Diet and Medication
Certain foods can cause dizziness in some people. If you get dizzy spells just after eating, keep a food diary so you remember what you ate. If you find that every time you eat a certain food you get a dizzy spell shortly thereafter, consider eliminating that food from your diet.
Medicines, both over the counter and prescription, may cause dizziness to certain people. If you find you are having dizzy spells frequently after taking your medicine, inform your health care provider so she can change your medicine to something that does not have that side effect for you.