How to Check for Lactic Acidosis

Lactic acidosis is a condition in which the concentration of lactic acid in the blood is above normal. It's a specific form of metabolic acidosis and is a matter of particular concern to diabetics. Lactic acidosis may be diagnosed from specific symptoms along with a lactic acid test which must be performed by a qualified healthcare worker.

Things You'll Need

  • Lactic acid test results
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      Look for general signs of lactic acidosis. The most common signs of lactic acidosis are rapid breathing, heavy sweating and sweet-smelling breath. Additional signs include clammy skin, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.

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      Prepare for the lactic acid test. Avoid eating or drinking anything besides water for the eight to ten hours before you take the test. You must also refrain from exercising for several hours prior to taking the test. Ensure you remain relaxed as much as possible during the blood draw.

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      Allow the health professional to wrap an elastic band around your upper arm in some cases. This will make it easier to put a needle into your vein but it can also increase the lactic acid reading.

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      Observe the health professional clean the needle site with an antiseptic and insert the needle into the vein. A lactic acid test may require more than one needle. The healthcare professional will then attach a tube to the needle and allow the tube to fill with blood. He or she will then remove the elastic band and place gauze on the needle site. The test result will typically be ready in a day.

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      Interpret the results of the lactic acid test. Each laboratory may have its own reference value but a normal concentration of lactic acid in venous blood should be in the range of 5 to 20 milligrams per deciliter of blood.

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