What Is the Blood Oxygen Test?
When Is It Ordered?
Lab Tests Online says a blood gas analysis is performed when you are displaying symptoms of a blood gas or pH imbalance, such as difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, especially if you are suffering from a respiratory or metabolic disorder. It may also be ordered to test the effectiveness of oxygen therapy.
How Is It Done?
The NIH states that blood is taken from an artery, usually from the wrist, and then immediately sent to a lab for analysis. This is done with a small needle, and may be preceded by anesthesia and a circulation test.
What Is a Normal Oxygen Reading?
According to the NIH, the normal partial pressure of oxygen at sea level is 75 mmHg to 100 mmHg, and normal oxygen saturation is 95 to 100 percent. At altitudes above 3,000 feet, those values are lower. A normal pH ranges from 7.35 to 7.45.
Is It Dangerous?
According to Lab Tests Online, a blood oxygen test is somewhat more painful than taking blood from a vein, and there is an increased risk of prolonged bleeding. Bruising and lightheadedness are common complications.
Dangers of Low Oxygen
Low blood oxygen, also known as hypoxemia, can disrupt the body's natural functions, according to the Mayo Clinic, and can harm vital tissues and be life-threatening in severe cases. Lab Tests Online adds that it can indicate a number of different serious conditions, from lung disease to kidney failure.