Types of Acidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs pursuant to diabetes when the body cannot breakdown glucose or sugar for energy due to a lack of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that breaks down sugar for use as fuel for the body. Fatty acids are then broken down instead of sugars. Respiratory ketoacidosis is a condition that is a result of an imbalance in the acid-base balance of the body. This happens when the lungs are unable to remove all the carbon dioxide the body creates.
Diabetic ketoacidosis is caused by a lack of insulin in the body, most commonly related to type 1 diabetes, causing the body to use body fat for energy instead. It can also be caused by increased insulin needs due to a heart attack, trauma, surgery or infection. Respiratory ketoacidosis can be caused by a variety of factors including asthma, scoliosis, obesity and drugs that suppress respiration like narcotics and benzodiazepines.
Symptoms and Complications
Some symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis are flushed face, dry mouth, increased urination, stomach pain and nausea. Muscle stiffness, abdominal pain, headache and decreased appetite are also reported by some sufferers as well as fruit scented breath. Build up of fluid in the brain and kidney or renal failure are potential complications of diabetic ketoacidosis. Symptoms of respiratory ketoacidosis include lethargy, fatigue, confusion and sleepiness. Shortness of breath also appears due to restricted lung capacity. Respiratory ketoacidosis can cause complications like stroke and respiratory failure.
Mild cases of diabetic ketoacidosis can be maintained at home by recognizing what your body's warning signs are and making appropriate changes in diet and lifestyle at home. Severe cases of diabetic ketoacidosis may require the use of insulin replacement and treatment of the underlying cause if it's an infection. Treating the underlying lung disease is the focus of treatment for respiratory ketoacidosis. Bronchodilators are used to reduce airway obstruction and stop smoking treatment may also be used.
Smoking is a major contributor to the development of the diseases that result in respiratory acidosis. Obesity may also contribute to by causing obesity-hypoventilation syndrome which can lead to respiratory acidosis. Doctors recommend diabetics with a history of diabetic acidosis test their urine ketones to more accurately check blood glucose levels. Recognize the early symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis and make sure the tubing of your insulin pump is free of clogs if you use one.