How to Give Your Metabolism a Boost
BUILD MUSCLE - Build muscle by doing weight bearing exercises three to five times per week. You can go to the gym and use the exercise equipment there or you can purchase your own equipment to use at home. An at home weight lifting set is very beneficial to your health. If you do not want to spend money on the gym or a weight set, you can use your own body weight to give your muscles a workout. Do push ups, pull ups, squats, and lunges every day.
EXERCISE DAILY - Exercise six to seven days per week to keep your metabolism at its peak. Cardiovascular exercise such as walking, swimming, skiing or running can burn calories and increase your metabolism temporarily. Although cardiovascular exercise is great for burning calories, it does not last like building muscle. The more muscle you build, the more you will increase your metabolism and burn fat. Once you have built more muscle, you will burn calories even when you are sleeping. It is best to have both types of exercise in your schedule.
DRINK COLD WATER - Drink cold water every day to give your metabolism and extra boost. Your body will need to work harder to warm up the water and therefore burn more calories. Knowing how to give your metabolism a boost will help you to lose weight quickly and easily. Drinking your daily eight glasses of water iced cold will help you to burn at least seventy additional calories per day. It is much easier to drink cold water than it is to exercise or eat less, so take advantage of this fat burning technique.
DRINK GREEN TEA - Drink green tea for its health benefits including increasing your metabolism. Green tea has natural properties that will boost your metabolism. It has been proven in a number of studies that green tea not only gives you antioxidant effects, but also increases metabolism. Try to drink at least four cups per day for the best results.
If you need more information about increasing your metabolism, look in the Resources section below. Knowing how to give your metabolism a boost will help you to burn calories day and night.
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