Signs of a Weak Adrenal System
Weakness And Lethargy
Stress is a part of our everyday life. Some stressors can be somewhat minor, while others are serious. Our bodies can be put under mental stress from troubled family relationships or relationships at work. Job requirements can put physical stress on us. Injury and disease also stress the body. In a dangerous situation, adrenals enable our bodies to escape. Since the main purpose of the adrenal glands is give the body the ability to deal with any of these stressors, an adrenal system that is reduced in function will seriously affect our health. A weakened adrenal system may be indicated by overall weakness and lethargy. Other symptoms can include blood sugar disorders, headaches, memory problems, dizziness and food cravings.
Addison's Disease
Although it's rare, a seriously underactive cortex, which is the outer section of the adrenal gland, can result in a condition known as Addison's disease. Indications of this condition include fatigue, dizziness, fainting, nausea, loss of appetite, moodiness, a reduction in the amount of body hair and the inability to handle stress. Further symptoms include a feeling of being cold and a darkening of the skin around the elbows, scars, knees, skin colds, mouth and palm creases.
Adrrenal Reduction
Many people take cortisone for diseases such as asthma and arthritis. Unfortunately, many drugs have side effects, especially when taken over a long period of time. Such is the case for those taking cortisone therapy, as the adrenal glands will shrink in size. Bleeding, infections and tumors can also cause problems with adrenal glands.
Complete Adrenal Failure
Poor habits such as smoking, alcohol abuse and drug abuse are known to cause complete adrenal failure. Tuberculosis and pituitary disease can also cause adrenal failure.
Suggestions For Healthy Adrenal Glands
For healthy adrenal glands (as well as good overall health in general), eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly green leafy vegetables, deep-ocean fish, garlic and onions. Avoid fats, processed foods, sugar and sugar beverages and fried foods. Alcohol, caffeine and tobacco are toxic to the adrenal glands. Unresolved stress should be dealt with and resolved, as this long-term condition can seriously weaken the adrenal system.