Standard Process for Removing Parasites
Different parasites cause different symptoms. However, a general lack of energy or poor health is associated with most types of infections. Some parasites cause severe diarrhea or adverse skin reactions. To confirm a diagnosis, a doctor will take a sample of stool, blood or duodenal fluid and test it for parasite eggs. It some cases, an examination of intestinal tissue is necessary.
Prescription Drugs
The doctor will prescribe an antibiotic specific to the type of infection. For example, a person suffering from a type of helminth infection will be put on a regiment of anthelmintics. The dosage and length of the regiment depends on the drug. Removing parasites from the body takes time and patience. Some treatments last a month or more. Ivermectin is an example of a parasite drug that is given to both animals and humans.
Natural Remedies
There are many natural remedies that people take to alleviate themselves of parasites. It is important to ask your doctor if you can take them in addition to the medication he prescribes. Turkey rhubarb is used as an intestinal cleanser to remove toxins from the body. Eating fresh cloves is said to kill the eggs that parasites lay. It is also recommended to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day to help flush the parasites out of the body.
To expedite the removal of parasites from the body, a doctor will generally recommend that you adjust your diet. Avoid sugar as much as possible because this provides energy to the organisms. They also do well on saturated fat, junk food, white flour and yeast. It is best to resist alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. Diets that are high in carbohydrates and low in protein can make a parasite infection worse as well. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to best starve the parasites.