What Are the Causes of Nerve Pain in the Foot?
Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy causes numbness or a tingling or burning sensation and typically develops in your hands and feet. It may also cause a lack of coordination and muscle strength.
Morton's Neuroma
A neuroma is a noncancerous growth of nerve tissue. Morton’s neuroma is a neuroma that grows in your foot, usually in the nerve between your third and fourth toes. It often causes a burning, sharp pain in the ball of your foot.
Peripheral neuropathy is often caused by traumatic injuries, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, and alcoholism. Morton’s neuroma is usually caused by wearing high-heeled or tight shoes for prolonged periods of time, or from high-impact athletic activities such as jogging.
For peripheral neuropathy, cut back on alcohol and change your diet if these are the cause of the problem. Otherwise, you may need to take pain relievers or place a lidocaine patch on your foot. For Morton’s neuroma, wear comfortable shoes, use orthodic supports, and spend less time on your feet. It these methods don’t work, corticosteroid injections or surgery might be necessary.
Many people mistake their plantar fasciitis pain with nerve damage. Although this may cause the nerves to send pain signals to the brain, there is not actually anything wrong with the nerves; the plantar-fascia tissue on the foot is damaged.