How to Prevent Migraines by Understanding Trigger Foods
Things You'll Need
- Log or Journal
- Pen
Keep a log or journal of the foods you eat before a migraine attack and see whether the removal or reduction of some of these foods from your diet improves your headaches.
Reduce your intake of the common migraine culprits: coffee, chocolate (caffeine) and alcoholic beverages.
Avoid foods with added MSG, which is often used in restaurants to enhance flavor. The restaurant will usually indicate on the menu that MSG is included.
Avoid consuming hot dogs, bacon and cured meats containing sodium nitrate and the preservative benzoic acid and its associated compounds, which can trigger migraines. Carefully check the labels to see if these are listed in the ingredients.
Experiment with foods containing tyramine, a compound found to trigger migraines in certain individuals, so that you can know which (if any) to reduce from your diet or avoid eating. Many foods contain tyramine, including: cheese, processed meats, pickles, onions, olives, certain types of beans, raisins, nuts, avocados, canned soups and red wine.