How to Ease the Discomfort of Migraines Without Medicine
Determine whether hot or cold packs help to ease the pain from your migraines. In some cases, you might find that neither hot or cold does much to help your pain and discomfort. Try using a hot pack for awhile. If that seems ineffective, give a cold pack a try. You will probably find that one works better than the other in providing some level of comfort.
Take the day off from work or school when you are at the height of your migraine. Lying down to rest often does make a migraine more bearable. Standing up or sitting can be unbearable when suffering from a migraine. Resting in bed can alleviate some of the pressure and most excruciating pain associated with the common migraine.
Limit audio and visual stimulation as much as possible. Lights and sounds are often torture when you have a migraine headache. Turn the lights off in the room where you are resting. Try not to have television on or music playing so that you are not bothered by sound and lights. Ask everyone in the house to be as quiet as possible for a few hours while you attempt to recover from your migraine.
Try a drop or two of essential oil of lavender to help you relax during a migraine. Lavender has relaxing properties that might make it possible for you to avoid tensing your muscles in your head and neck. It is important to recognize the potential start of a migraine in order to use this remedy before your head pain is in full force. When you start to feel your head ache, pressure in your head, discomfort in your neck and shoulder muscles, reach for your lavender oil.
Use home massage to aid in making your migraine a little more bearable. Try to massage your temples with your hands. This can sometimes help to alleviate some of the worst pain or pressure. If your migraines are associated with neck and shoulder pain, ask someone who is home with you to gently message your neck and shoulders.