About Injections for Migraines

Fighting a migraine is a terrible experience. This type of extreme headache can make you light- and sound-sensitive and hurt so badly that you cannot do anything but lie in the dark and wait for it to finally go away. People with chronic migraines can spend as much time trying to dodge migraine stimuli as they do enjoying their lives. If you suffer from chronic migraines and are not taking preventative medicative measures, you may wish to investigate the effectiveness of various types of injections.
  1. History

    • The only treatment for migraines used to be locking yourself in a dark room and waiting until it was over. As the years and science progressed, various medications came onto the market that alleviated the pain and were thought to possibly lower the rate of occurrence. However, it was not until people getting cosmetic Botox injections reported significant decreases in their migraines that researchers really began to focus on the idea that injecting medicine into the face or head might actually impede the progress of the headache.


    • There are currently two types of injections for migraines. Botox injections are thought to help migraines and, while the process is not entirely understood, many doctors are willing to administer these shots if other routes fail. Narcotic injections that are usually used to calm nausea or reduce pain can also help treat migraine symptoms in some severe cases.


    • Doctors are not sure what aspect of Botox, which is usually used to eliminate lines and furrows in the facial area, calms migraine symptoms. Researchers theorize that the drug, which affects the nervous system, may modify the parts of the nervous system that cause your migraines. Narcotic injections are used when other treatments have failed and the headache is so severe that the patient is vomiting and has had pain for more than 72 hours. These do not actually cure migraines, but can relieve symptoms so that the patient does not become dehydrated or at risk for a stroke.


    • When you are considering migraine injections, you must factor in several different issues. Narcotic injections are to be used as a last resort, and generally will not work as a preventative measure because they can alter your perceptions and behavior. Botox, while potentially a solid treatment, is not entirely understood, and you will have cosmetic side effects in most cases.


    • Many people do not think that they can treat the actual causes of the migraines, because the causes are external. Fortunately, this is not always the case. Migraines are often caused by external events, but it is your body's specific response to these events that is problematic and can sometimes be altered through a change in diet or other habits. Work with a physician to develop a migraine-treatment plan that will fight the pain before it ever starts.


    • The way that migraine injections work is not entirely understood. Consult a physician and consider the potential effects and side effects of these treatments carefully before you implement a care regimen. You should never go for cosmetic Botox treatments just because you hope they will help your migraines. Instead, work with your neurologist to make sure that you get the best results possible.

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