How to Manage Caffeine-Withdrawal Migraine
Things You'll Need
- Journal or diary (notebook or computer program)
- Doctor
- Black tea, hot or iced (optional)
- 1 square of chocolate (optional)
- Over-the-counter painkiller with caffeine (optional but highly recommended)
My Brain Hurts
Make an appointment with your doctor.
Write down what your migraines feel like. Include how long it lasts, what side of the head it's usually on, if you get dizzy and if you are sensitive to light, sounds and tastes. Keep a migraine diary. If you are a woman, add whether you were menstruating or premenstrual.
Cut down on caffeine by listing all of the food, drinks and over-the-counter medications you consume in a day. Then, you can cut out one drink every few days. Gradually, your body craves less and less caffeine in order to not give you a migraine.
Switch from always drinking coffee or sodas to black tea. Green tea has even less caffeine, but you might want to get used to black tea first and then try green tea. Drink one glass of water between each caffeine drink.
Eat one square of chocolate very slowly if you do get a migraine. Take any medications for the pain as soon as you realise that a migraine is coming on.
Keep your doctor appointment and let him read your migraine diary. The diary might show that you have other triggers for a migraine, such as the weather, lack of sleep, or (for women) hormonal changes. You can then try to avoid these triggers, or know when to better schedule activities.