Migranal Medication for Migraine Headaches
Abortive Medications
There are prescription medications that can be used to stop a migraine attack in progress. The newest class of these drugs are the triptans, such as sumatriptan, that affect serotonin in the brain and constrict swollen blood vessels. Older drugs like ergotamine tartrate, stop them for some people as well.
Preventative Medications
Several types of medications can be taken daily to prevent migraine attacks from occurring. They include blood pressure medications, such as verapamil and propranolol; antidepressants, such as amitriptyline; and seizure medications, such as topiramate.
Over-the-Counter Medications
Nonprescription pain relievers can ease migraine pain for some people, particularly those that include caffeine. Decongestants offer people relief for migraines that feel like a sinus headache because decongestants constrict blood vessels.
Herbal Remedies
Feverfew and butterbur are herbal remedies that some people take daily to prevent migraine headaches. Studies are mixed on whether these remedies work.
Vitamin/Mineral Remedies
Studies of migraine sufferers show that some are low in magnesium, riboflavin (vitamin B2) or coenzyme Q10. Some people find relief by taking these supplements.