Physical Therapy for Migraine Headaches
There are not many effective migraine treatments, but for many people, physical therapy can help.
The Best Candidates for Physical Therapy
Typically migraines affect the central nervous system—the brain and the spinal cord. Classic migraines—those that occur once a month or less and that present with classic symptoms like vision disturbances—don’t respond as well to physical therapy as some other types of migraines. Even so, some physical therapy techniques may help to lesson the discomfort and duration of the migraine.
For people who have migraines that involve the joints and muscles, especially those in the jaw and neck, physical therapy may be able to help eliminate the occurrence of migraines.
Physical Therapy and Migraines
A classic migraine is often accompanied by tension in the neck. Doctors believe the tension is a result of the migraine, not the cause of it. Even so, relieving neck tension can help to reduce the pain and discomfort brought on by the migraine. A physical therapist or licensed massage therapist can train a family member, partner or friend in specific techniques that will help relieve some of your migraine pain. As soon as you feel a migraine coming on, ask your friend or family member to massage your neck. A physical therapist or chiropractor may be able to teach you some stretching exercises that can also reduce the discomfort and duration of a migraine.
Because of the connection between nerve endings in the jaw and neck, pain in those areas can actually be experienced in the head as a migraine. In such cases, physical therapy can help to reduce tension in the neck and jaw and to restore proper alignment and function. Then, often, migraines will cease to occur.
Types of Physical Therapy
There are several types of physical therapy that migraine sufferers might consider trying. Different people experience different results with different techniques.
There is classical physical therapy, which uses a combination of massage, adjustments, posture correction and movement work to restore proper function to your joints and muscles.
There is chiropractic care. A chiropractor adjusts your joints to restore proper alignment. Misaligned bones can put pressure on nerves, triggering migraine episodes. Restoring proper alignment can be very helpful for some people.
There is massage, which focuses on muscle work and can help to relieve neck tension and jaw tension that leads to non-classic migraines. Massage can also help reduce the neck tension associated with classic migraines.
There is also acupuncture. This traditional Chinese therapy has shown promising results in treating migraine pain. In a study conducted in Xiangya Hospital in China and published in the Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion journal in 2009, researchers found that acupuncture worked slightly better than prescription medications for improving migraine symptoms. Its effects also lasted longer and had fewer side effects.