Protein Powder Plan & Migraine Headaches
What is a Migraine Headache?
More than just a regular headache that may be caused by stress, muscle tension in the neck and shoulders or even blocked sinuses, migraine headaches may be triggered by heredity, hormone levels, prescription medications, environmental conditions and allergies. People with migraines often have sensitivity to light and sound, they may experience pain on just one side of the head, dizziness, blurred vision and any other condition that relates to the fact that the brain controls our bodies. Migraines can last from a few hours to a few days and are usually incapacitating; they can occur as often as several times a week to a few times a month.
Are Protein Powders Safe?
For the most part, yes; however, as with any supplement there is a danger of toxicity or negative drug interactions. Most protein powders have vitamins and minerals in them as well as either soy, whey, casein, egg or other form of protein that has been reconstituted in the form of a powder. Always read the labels and consult with a physician about any supplements you are taking to make sure overdoses do not occur.
Other Benefits of Protein Powders and Complications
Protein powders are also touted as being good for heart health and lowering bad cholesterol. These and other supplements, however, have also been linked to migraines, insomnia, depression and bipolar disorder. Essentially what happens is excess proteins, vitamins and minerals lead to the loss of neurotransmitters that keep the brain chemistry in balance.
Protein Powders Linked to Migraine Headaches
Most people who take protein powders do not experience any negative side effects, but if you suffer from migraines while taking these powders, you should consider stopping the supplement. Excess protein in your diet can also be taxing on your liver and kidneys. Excess protein can cause an imbalance in the brain's chemistry and lead to migraines.
A Simple Experiment
In general, people who don’t take in enough protein from food to fulfill their body’s individual requirements may benefit from a protein powder plan. However, if you begin to experience migraine headaches or an increase thereof, you may want to do a little experiment on yourself to verify whether the supplement is indeed the cause. If you stop taking the protein powder and your headaches decrease, you may be one of those who have a negative reaction to protein powders and should find other means of meeting your dietary needs.