Tylenol & Aspirin for Migraine Relief
Tylenol contains acetaminophen, a drug that sometimes helps mild migraine pain. Researchers do not know the exact way acetaminophen works in the body to relieve pain, but know that the drug metabolizes in the liver and kidneys. When you feel migraine pain, take the appropriate dosage of Tylenol for your size and age. For typical adults, the label recommends a maximum dosage of 1000 mg, or two maximum-strength pills, every six to eight hours.
Tylenol may not relieve all of the migraine pain and other symptoms, but do not take more than directed. Do not take Tylenol longer than recommended. Large doses of acetaminophen can cause liver failure, a condition that can be fatal. Ask your doctor before taking Tylenol if you have kidney disease, since acetaminophen can cause kidney problems in some patients.
Aspirin, a pain reliever that works by reducing inflammation in the body, helps relieve mild migraine pain. Take aspirin at the beginning of the migraine at a dose recommended for your size and age. Typical adults may take up to 900 mg four times per day. You may take aspirin at the same time as tylenol for additional relief, but do not take aspirin with NSAID pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. Do not take a dose of aspirin larger than recommended or for longer than directed because you can get a rebound headache when the body eliminates the aspirin, requiring more pain relief.
Do not give aspirin to children or teenagers because of its link to a rare but sometimes fatal disease called Reye's syndrome. Do not take aspirin if you have a bleeding disorder or are taking drugs to prevent your blood from clotting.
Beyond Tylenol and Aspirin
Talk to your doctor about prescription pain relievers if appropriate doses of aspirin and Tylenol do not relieve all of your migraine pain.
Always tell a doctor or pharmacist about all of your allergies, medical conditions, and prescription or over-the-counter medications to check for possible interactions.