Light Fixtures for Migraines

Flickering light from fluorescent light bulbs and the glare from computer screens can cause the onset of a migraine. Moreover, bright lights in general can cause migraines in individuals who are sensitive to bright lights. Fortunately there are various tactics to reduce the glare and flicker from light fixtures. Additionally LED lights are good alternative light fixtures for migraine sufferers.
  1. Computer Screen Glare

    • According to, many people conduct their work in front a computer screen. The computer screen tends to reflect the glare from overhead lights directly into your eyes, causing you to have migraines if you are sensitive to bright lights. Eliminate the glare by simply repositioning the computer screen away from the overhead lights, thereby reducing the glare. Alternatively purchase or have your company purchase a glare screen for your monitor. Try a computer hood that sits above the computer screen and deflects light from glaring off your monitor.

      Most computer screens have an unperceivable flicker to them, which is known as the computer screen's "refresh rate." The refresh rates in many older monitors are not fast enough to prevent flickering. The flickering can lead to migraines. Consider purchasing an LCD monitor to eliminate these problems. LCD computer monitors have much higher refresh rates than traditional monitors, according to the Job Accommodation Network.

    Fluorescent Lights

    • Fluorescent lights are bright and tend to flicker in both perceivable and unperceivable ways, according to The flickering causes migraines. Try using incandescent lights instead. Unfortunately many homes now use compact fluorescent light bulbs because they are more energy efficient than traditional incandescent light bulbs. The best option, though, is to simply use focused lights that address the task at hand rather than relying on overhead lighting.

    LED Lights

    • The best alternative to both inefficient incandescent light bulbs and fluorescent light bulbs is LED light bulbs. LED light bulbs function by running an electrical current through multiple "diodes," which then emit light. LED light bulbs do not flicker nor do they contain any toxic chemicals, like mercury, which is common to fluorescent light bulbs. Moreover, LED light bulbs last 10 times longer than fluorescent light bulbs. If you are particularly sensitive to light, select LED light bulbs to reduce your migraines.

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