How Does Imitrex Work on Migraine Headaches?
It is not known entirely why Imitrex works for most types of migraine attacks. It does act as a vasoconstrictor, meaning it helps shrink swollen blood vessels.
According to the Mayo Clinic, when the hormone serotonin drops, the trigemental nerve in the brainstem releases neuropeptides, which cause pain in the meninges (the area between skull and brain) partially by swelling blood vessels.
Imitrex works on migraine headaches because it is thought to mimic serotonin and stop the brain from releasing neuropeptides, according to
Imitrex needs to be taken as soon as the person realizes a migraine attack has begun. It does not work to prevent migraines, only to stop them.
"Migraines For Dummies" (Diane Stafford and Jennifer Shoquist, MD; 2003) warns that Imitrex will not ease pain on all types of migraines. People with hemiplegic migraine attacks (migraines with numbness on one side of the body) need to be hospitalized.