Physical Therapy for Migraine Relief
Reflexology is a treatment that uses reflex points to treat many conditions. Reflexologists place pressure on these points of your body to treat conditions that range from over eating to migraine headaches. They believe that reflexology makes a person more aware of the signals the body sends. They believe that this helps you sense slight changes in your body that can lead to migraines.
Knowing these signals can help you make any adjustments necessary to avoid migraines, if possible. According to the University of Maryland Medical center, reflexology has shown some promise in treating migraines, but it hasn't been tested as fully as necessary to be considered an ideal treatment.
Chiropractic medicine is a controversial medical treatment. Most medical experts believe that chiropractics may help treat problems including back pain and dislocated spines. However, many chiropractors claim that chiropractics can treat a much wider range of conditions than may be possible. Yet, there may be some truth to chiropractic medicine helping migraines. Migraines are caused by many different conditions, and one of these includes a misalgined spine. The University of Maryland Medical center found that spinal manipulation helped treat migraines as effectively as Elavil, a medicine used to treat migraines. Before undergoing chiropractic treatment, you should talk to your doctor.
Regular exercise helps keep the body healthy. It may also help prevent migraines from starting in the first place. Doing exercises when your migraine pain is minor may help treat some of the pain. A supported back pose is started by sitting down and putting your feet together, bottom first. Take an exercise band and wrap it around your waist and feet, tying it between your legs. Lie on a large pillow with another under your thighs for support. Hold your legs in the air and breathe slowly for five minutes. This pose will get blood flowing to your brain which may help treat migraine pain. Forward seated pose is started by sitting on the edge of a chair next to a table. Hold each elbow with the opposite hand and lay your upper body forward on the table. Close your eyes and breathe in slowly. After one minute has passed, exhale slowly through your mouth and repeat five times.