Why Does Caffeine Cause Migraine Headaches?
According to the University of Berkeley, caffeine does not directly cause migraines. But does seem to set off chemical reactions in the brain that can result in migraines for some people born with a predilection for headaches.
The National Headache Foundation recommends that people with migraines make a diary to determine if caffeine is the cause. If people are cured by consuming caffeine, then they are getting rebound migraines.
According to Migraines For Dummies (Diane Stafford and Jennifer Shoquist, MD; 2003), caffeine rebound migraines are when a person cuts back on caffeine and the body sends a migraine in order to make the person consume more caffeine.
In an interview with National Public Radio, Dr. David Buchholtz said that caffeine may only be a contributing and not sole cause of triggering a migraine attack. A person may need to have several triggers happen, including consuming or skipping caffeine, for an attack to begin.
No one knows the exact cause of migraines. But many over the counter painkillers for headaches include caffeine, which may be adding to the frequency of an individual's migraines.