What Is Good for a Migraine?
Taking pain-relieving medicine as soon as migraine symptoms begin is the best way to deal with the pain. Examples of this type of medication include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or aspirin and anti-nausea medication.
If you experience frequent migraines, it may be a good idea to look into preventative medications; these drugs are taken regularly and can reduce the frequency of migraines or at least make them less debilitating. Examples include anti-depressants and beta blockers, though there are many different types.
Estrogen can be an issue for migraine sufferers, so women should talk to to their doctors about any hormone medications they may be on or whether their hormone levels are normal.
Seeing a doctor is especially important. The doctor can find the best medication to treat or prevent the migraines and pinpoint what may be causing them.
Nonmedicinal Treatment
There are other ways to handle migraines. Getting adequate sleep and being able to relax are beneficial. Try to avoid feeling overly stressed, and take time every day to relax. Dark rooms are best to rest in, especially if the room is quiet if someone feels a migraine coming on. At that time, an ice pack wrapped in fabric can help; place it on painful areas and apply gentle pressure to diminish pain.
Regular exercise is good for preventing migraines, as is a healthful diet. Certain foods, such as artificial sweeteners, excess caffeine and alcohol, should be avoided. Talking to a doctor can help determine other items that should be avoided.
Alternative forms of therapy, such as acupuncture or massage, may also be beneficial. Before embarking on any form of treatment, however, talk with your doctor about possible causes and forms of treatment.