Can Ear Problems Be Associated With Migraines?
Migraines affect more than 29.5 million Americans and three times more women than men. Migraines can affect many areas of the body, including the ears. This type is referred to as a vestibular migraine.
Symptoms of a vestibular migraine can cause balance problems, vertigo, motion sensitivity, dizziness and unsteadiness. Further, the hearing can be affected, as sounds can be dulled and ringing in the ears can occur.
The likely cause of migraines associated with ear problems is a constriction of blood vessels, in and around the brain. However, exact causes of migraines remain somewhat of an enigma.
According to experts at Johns Hopkins University, it is not uncommon for people to experience inner ear and balance problems void of headache pain. The condition can still be considered a vestibular migraine.
Certain foods or environmental conditions--referred to as triggers--can set-off a migraine episode. Those include caffeine, chocolate, certain foods, stress, sleep disruption and hypoglycemia.