What Are Complex Migraines?
The differences among classic, common and complex migraines are the neurological symptoms. It is common for people who suffer from complex migraines to experience weakness and difficulty speaking. People who suffer from classic migraines report seeing an aura around lights before the actual migraine appears. Other symptoms include temporary vision loss, tingling face or hands, nausea and blurred vision. Less severe than classic migraines, common migraines often cause pain on one side of the head and linger for a lengthy period of time.
Complex migraines have symptoms that mimic a stroke. Symptoms of a complex migraine are a dull, aching pain on one or both sides of the head, nasal congestion, cold hands and feet, weakness, loss of sensation and a sense of heaviness in the limbs.
Preventative treatment helps keep migraines at bay. After development, complex-migraine treatments vary from Botox injections to other prescribed medications and analgesics such as Tylenol and Ibuprofen.
Red wine, chocolate and foods with MSG (Monosodium glutamate) are often listed as triggers by people diagnosed with complex migraines. Other triggers include dehydration, hormonal disorders, depression and low levels of blood sugar.
A healthy diet, regular exercise, avoiding "triggers," and monitoring depression and hormone levels keep complex migraines in check. If coupled with a preventative medication, people can live virtually migraine-free lives.