Oxygen As a Treatment for Migraines
Oxygen has been used in the treatment of headaches as far back as 1939. Dr Alvarez at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, reported, "the treatment with 100 percent oxygen at a flow of six to eight liters a minute would often produce relief." (REFERENCE 1)
The migraine itself is typically described as throbbing or pulsating. It is also usually only on one side, but not always the same side. Headaches can last six to 24 hours. The headache sufferer usually prefers to lie in a quiet, dark space. Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, and irritability are common. (REFERENCE 2)
Common triggers for migraines include dairy products, meat and animal products, eggs, citrus fruits, wheat products, nuts, tomatoes, onions, corn, apples, and bananas. These are commonly referred to as the "dirty dozen." (REFERENCE 3)
Types Oxygen Treatment
There are two types of oxygen treatment available, normobaric therapy and hyperbaric therapy. Normobaric therapy is when the patient inhales pure oxygen at room pressure. Hyperbaric therapy is the patient breathing oxygen at a higher pressure in a special hyperbaric chamber. (REFERENCE 4)
The Studies
There have been no fewer than five studies that have compared hyperbaric treatment and normobaric treatment and the validity of each. Although the individual results of each study varied regarding the validity of treatment, they did show that the hyperbaric treatment was significantly more effective than breathing oxygen at room pressure. (REFERENCE 4)
The Results
The results from the hyperbaric studies have shown that they do not prevent future headaches but could give relief to an occurring migraine. Unfortunately, most physicians will continue to use more reasonable treatments because of the lack of availability of hyperbaric chambers. (REFERENCE 4)