Supplements Causing Migraines
Migraines are characterized by severe headaches and nausea. The pain resulting from a migraine can be felt throughout the head and face. This condition can be triggered by a variety of stressors.
Creatine is a type of supplement that is used to manage weight. Creatine affects the amount of water absorbed into your cells, which leads to dehydration and migraines. When using creatine, drink at least 10 or more 8 oz. glasses of water each day.
Caffeine supplements are used as energy boosters. Excess consumption of products containing caffeine can lead to migraine headaches. Caffeine withdrawal can also cause this problem.
Headache Medication
Frequent use of headache medicine, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, can cause what are known as "rebound headaches." These headaches begin when the product wears off and can be more intense than the initial pain.
Medical Attention
Be sure to contact your doctor if you experience headaches on a frequent and intense basis. This can be an indication of a serious illness that needs attention.