How to Manage Migraines in Fluorescent Lighting
Things You'll Need
- Light filter
- Anti-glare filter
- Sunglasses or hat
- Lamps
Add a light filter to soften the florescence. These filters produce more natural light that does not trigger migraines as frequently as unfiltered light.
Remove some of the florescent bulbs directly above the workspace, or move to another area away from the florescent lighting. Supplement the light with lamps that are softer.
Place an anti-glare filter over the computer monitor. This helps reduce migraines triggered by staring at the computer screen too long, as well as reducing reflected florescent light.
Wear sunglasses or medical glasses to reduce glare. A hat with a large brim will also eliminate the glare from above.
Arrange to work from home when your migraines become severe. Try an alternative schedule and work when most other employees have left. You can turn off many of the lights during this time.